Christian Doppler Laboratory for Taste
CDL Taste working group of Barbara Lieder - June 2023
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ern.Wiss.Dr. Barbara Lieder, Privatdoz.
Head of the laboratory
phone: 0043 1 4277 70611
Leonie Hüller
Master student of food chemistry
Jana Medek
Masterstudent of food chemistry
Sascha Oberle
Master student of nutritional sciences
Jana Rasztovits
Master student food chemistry
Sabrina Schild
Master student of food chemistry
Manca Trdan
Master student Food Chemistry
Sandra Wiesenhütter
Masterstudent of food chemistry
Christine Ellersdorfer
Alumni (alphabetical):
- Katharina Albrecht, MSc
- Evelin Balika - MSc
- Maria Fernanda Cervantes Recalde, MSc
- Corinna Deck, PhD - PhD Student
- Theresa Dür, MSc
- Claudia Galassi, MSc
- Moritz Gaupp, MSc
- Felix Grössing, BSc - Study assistant
- Isabella Kimmeswenger, MSc
- Dr. Verena Preinfalk - PhD Student
- Katharina Reif, MSc
- Sarah Stadlmayr, MSc
- Lea Steinwender, MSc
- Teresa Katharina Stoffl - MSc
- Verena Stöger, PhD
- Cynthia Thines, MSc
- Manca Trdan, MSc
- Julia Treml, MSc
- Ana Vidakovic, MSc
- Georg Werjus, MSc
- Christina Sandra Witzelnig - Internship
- Anni Wu, MSc